Thomas Clark Jacobson is an author, consultant, and speaker. For fifteen years he was a trance medium and broadly praised for being a clear open channel. Top of class in the world of mediumship.
It was far from easy, however. There were trials and tribulations Thomas had to go through to get there. For one thing, he was a natural born skeptic. A real “Doubting Thomas.” One of those people who have to experience something to believe it. Beneath that skepticism was the desire to find meaning in life if indeed there was a purpose at all. But this doubt about himself, about the afterlife, and about God created a stubborn resistance.
He explored all manner of paranormal claims and phenomenon firsthand; "face up against the window to better see within." Seven out of eight times his skepticism appeared to be validated, but there was always the eighth time that kept him going forward in his journey. Nevertheless, after two-plus years of full-time exploration of the metaphysical his enthusiasm waned. He couldn't find sufficient proof to know there was indeed life after death thus purpose to life. His search was all but over.
“ One of the clearest windows in the world today. His [Jacobson’s] work is at the very highest level of mediumship it has been my pleasure to witness. ”
It was then—at the eleventh hour and when least expected—that he received physical contact from the afterlife. He describes it as "a breathtaking moment with an electric-like charge where something happened despite me rather than because of me." That initial encounter lasted but three or four minutes as Thomas felt a presence inside his body trying (unsuccessfully) to form words through his larynx or voice-box.
Whereas Thomas had thought his search for meaning had come to an end, he discovered a fantastic new beginning. In the weeks to follow, he would sit in meditation circles with like-minded friends to see if it would happen again. It did, repeatedly so. In time, Spirit was able to come through in full force and voice.
What followed was fifteen "mind-bending, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and incredibly uplifting years" as a very public medium for Spirit.
Thomas demonstrated his mediumship in private individual and group sessions, as well as, radio, television, and regular public gatherings. The predominate spirit speaking through Thomas called himself Dr. Peebles and spoke with humor and compassion. Accompanied by his “band of angels,” Dr. Peebles delivered accurate, concise and relevant information to individuals about their life and personality (soul). Much of the information shared addressed questions about the purpose of life, the nature of reality, and consciousness. Once you started listening to Dr. Peebles, you began to suspect that his identity is merely one aspect of a great and grand Spirit.
To Dance with Angels
Don and Linda Pendleton wrote a book about Thomas' work as a medium: To Dance with Angels. The authors structured it around a series of in-depth interviews. These conversations with Dr. Peebles, are frequently startling, always entertaining and enlightening. They touch upon every facet of human and nonhuman experience: life and death, love and sexuality, past and future lives, ghosts and guardian angels, universal truths and cosmic realities ... and that is only the beginning.
“... powerful and deeply moving experience, potentially life-changing [and] of universal importance. The book is sublime.”
Today, Thomas is an author, speaker, and spiritual consultant and is currently working on his first book, INTELLIGENCE FROM THE AFTERLIFE: Heaven-Sent Counsel on Consciousness, Creativity, and Love. He shares insights and messages from the Spirit realm through his website and via social media. On occasion, he teaches workshops in higher consciousness, called Journey to the Heart.
Thomas lives in Bainbridge Island, Washington with his wife and partner of thirty years, Connie. Their daily 'date' since 1998 is coffee and crosswords first thing every morning. He enjoys early morning walks, foreign films, and gatherings with friends and family.
My Story
I was born in Lakewood, Ohio. It was 1948, the beginning of the Baby Boom generation. My family moved to the small town of Rochester, Michigan, north of Detroit when I was twelve years of age. I was the oldest of three boys.
My father, Dr. Robert H. Jacobson, was a Congregationalist Minister. As a teenager, I thought his sermons were excellent, and much appreciated that he wasn't a 'Bible-thumper.' I was proud of his outspoken and courageous stance against racism and loved that he joined the Martin Luther King March to Washington D.C. in 1963. I recall one incident where I picked up our ringing telephone only to hear a deep-voiced man threaten my dad and our home because of the sermon Dad had just given in church on civil rights.
Emotionally, my youth was a dreary existence. Though I appreciated my Dad's ongoing and well-considered attempts to make sense of Christianity, I couldn't go there. How could there be a God, given the state of the world I kept reading about in the news and watching on television? I had no faith, thus no hope, hence no motivation. Life seemed merely a futile exercise in survival.
School? Forget it. I never studied and did my homework once in a blue moon.
My relief and enjoyment were listening to classical music on the hi-fi in our living room. My favorite singer was Roy Orbison. When introduced to various band instruments by the music teacher in junior high, I chose the clarinet because I loved all the shiny silver keys up and down the black ebony. I discovered the music of the great New Orleans blues clarinetist, Pete Fountain, and much enjoyed playing along with him while listening to his 45 rpm record.
In 1965 I attended Interlochen Summer Music Camp on scholarship and toured Europe with the United States All-Student Symphonic Band composed primarily of leading college music talents from across the county. Wow, we were g-o-o-d. What a fantastic adventure. Unfortunately, I was seventeen and way too uptight, too self-absorbed perhaps, to truly appreciate and 'take-in' the magic of the various colors and cultures.
I received a music scholarship to Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio in 1966. However, per usual, I was uninspired by anything—that is, except for the campus coeds. My time at Heidelberg was a bit of partying, a lot of reading fiction and doing everything I could not to study. Finally, I asked my psychology professor about my lack of discipline. Was there anything I could do to develop my self-discipline? His answer? The United States Marine Corps!
“ My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for you and your wonderful gifts. If I am truly lucky in my life, I will be able to touch you with the same richness you have touched me.
The world is truly a beautiful place to be and you are one of the reasons it is ... Thank you, Thomas.”
For weeks, I argued with the good professor in my mind hoping against hope that I would win the argument. But then—with no idea whatsoever what I wanted to do in life and not sure I gave a damn in any case—I'll be if I didn't go out in November of 1967 and do just that, enlist in the Corp.
Sure enough, there I was in early January desperately scrambling off the bus on Parris Island per the gentle request of the Drill Instructors. Following ten weeks of boot camp and four weeks of infantry training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, the Corp assigned me to the Marine Corp Band, Parris Island.
I received my Honorable Discharge in 1970 and came out more lost than when I went in. My fault, of course. Not theirs.
In 1993, I moved to Southern California because my college buddy and best friend, James MacFarlane MacSporran, was accepted to Pepperdine Law School in Malibu. And, I suppose, it gave me the excuse I needed for a fresh adventure, a new start. I found a sales job at the leading motorcycle dealership in Southern California (Bill Krause Sportcycles) and, in time, they promoted me to Director of Sales and Service.
Spiritually, however, I continued to feel lost, disconnected and dissatisfied.
One morning I woke up from a vivid dream like no other I've had before or since where my parakeet, Dangerous Dan Defoe, had flown down from a clear blue sky, hovered right in front of my face and said goodbye. That was 1977 and, though I didn't know it at the time, my search for meaning had just begun ...
“The words spoken to me [through the medium, Thomas Jacobson] saved me a life of pain and suffering in ignorance.
His voice and knowledge follow me still today and are the finger that holds me from my collar to keep me from falling off a cliff. ”
My Purpose Here
Since 1980, months after Spirit first came through my meditation and physical body, my ongoing dedication or goal has been fourfold:
To engage life with greater caring, communication, creativity, generosity, openness, and responsiveness.
To learn of my Self (and life) through my relationships.
To learn of love; love increasingly given and increasingly received.
To share with "the many rather than the few" the teachings of Spirit.
Spirit teaches there is no failure, only growth. They remind us that each of us without exception is "a student on this, the beautiful but difficult school called Earth."
Thank God! Because I frequently failed, sometimes miserably so with each one of these four goals. Spirit tells us that we are not here in this lifetime to seek personal perfection. We are not here to become enlightened, at least not in the traditional sense.
My purpose here is to share with you all that I know regarding our purpose, process, and promise as souls temporarily incarnated into this world. To that end, I am writing my book. This is who I am; this is what I'm doing.
May I have the honor of this dance, a dance perchance with angels?
Warm regards,
Thomas Jacobson
“A master is not one who has finally
learned it all. A master is one who finally loves the learning, and forevermore.”