With INTELLIGENCE FROM THE AFTERLIFE: Consciousness, Creativity, and Our Quest for Love, Thomas Jacobson inspires hope by inviting us into a new awareness. An awareness based on the reality of life after death—the survival of our Self beyond the grave. We are all eternal souls temporarily incarnated into this lifetime and born with fantastic potential and specific purpose.
He begins with his own story. He openly admits his skeptical nature and how he searched for meaning and proof of life from the great beyond. He talks about the astonishing eleventh-hour contact received from the other side at the very moment he had decided to quit his search for meaning. Intelligence from the Afterlife is the memoir of a 'normal' human seeking the divine and becoming a trance medium in the process.
“You have a true gift for expressing stories of great emotion without being even the tiniest bit maudlin. Your ease in writing pulls the reader in and leaves one wanting to read more, more, more. Brilliant.”
What followed was an astounding and fifteen-year vocation as a trance medium for spirit.
Thomas shares with us the beautiful teachings received from "the spirit of light and love" through his mediumship—spiritually enlightening yet easily applied in daily life. He goes on to share what he learned about life and love while in a trance and Spirit speaking through him.
But that is just the bare beginning.
From the teachings of Spirit, as well as his lessons learned from his inner work as a medium, Thomas defines consciousness and breaks it down to its soulful parts. Working with the reader, he reassembles them into a step by step prescription for spiritual satisfaction in the here and now of this world. A blueprint for personal fulfillment, a living of life from true Self.
Drawn from years of teaching tens of thousands of people across the country, Thomas presents a remarkable self-help pathway for lifting our life experience to new heights of personal satisfaction and creative fulfillment. It is his desire that these teachings help us find hope, clarity and the courage to go forward into daily life with even more love and enthusiasm.
Ultimately, Thomas explains, it is a journey to the heart.
Author's Note
I begin with my private and gangling search as a hopeful skeptic seeking proof of life from the great beyond, and the astonishing eleventh-hour contact I received from the other side mere moments after I had decided to quit what I believed was a failed two-plus year search.
It was my hunt into the hinterlands of human consciousness. It is, however, more than that. Much more.
By extension and intention, it is our story as human beings who—consciously or otherwise—are each on a search for the "greater truths and awareness." It is our shared odyssey as souls upon "the beautiful but difficult school called Earth," a life journey replete with contradiction and blind alleyways that can leave us mentally cross-eyed and spiritually bewildered—no matter how far up the mountain we may have come.
“I don’t think anything except the birth of my daughter has ever moved me so deeply and in such a profound way.”
This is a user-friendly handbook for a more creative, engaged, and vibrant life in the here and now of this world. It is an expedition into the soul.
Yes, life is beautiful but tough too. We must step into life all the more so, Spirit explains. They teach us how and with promising effect, sharing their intelligence from the other side.
Intelligence from the Afterlife is a guided and pro-active walk-through of the life-affirming, life-changing truths given to us by Spirit.
I like to think of them as downloads from heaven.
Warm regards,
Thomas Jacobson
“Dear Thomas, I admire the work you are doing and marvel at Dr. Peebles’ wisdom. I’ve read Seth and Edgar Cayce, but Dr. Peebles seems to ‘hit closer to home.’
Speaking to you and Dr. Peebles would be a great honor.”