Please call (206) 657-6310 and leave a voicemail or click here to send an email regarding media interviews.
“ His appearance [Thomas Jacobson] on Open Mind, that’s when we had the
most telephone calls to this station ... Dr. Peebles aroused that audience more than any of
the other guests, ever ... People want to run him for President.
They love ‘im. You know, you just fall in love with this guy!”
social MEDIA
Author website:
Host & Producer
The Gathering Place, W. Los Angeles and Sherman Oaks, CA. Monthly Lecture/Demonstration of mediumship.
Journey to the Heart classes and seminars.
Journey To The Heart Talk Radio, KFOX Radio, Long Beach. Live, on the air, I went into trance while studio engineer took questions for Spirit (Dr.Peebles) from the listening audience.
Talk Radio Guest Appearances
Open Mind with Bill Jenkins - KABC Radio. Four appearances. [recorded]
Coast to Coast with George Noory
BBC Radio 4
Doug Steven's Good Day Radio
Various talk radio shows in: Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Louisville, Roanoke, and St. Louis
Television Appearances
Nightwatch - CBS
West 57th Street - CBS
Late Night Show - FOX
To Dance with Angels, by Don and Linda Pendleton, a book about Thomas Jacobson, published in hardback & trade paperback by Zebra Books (editions printed in North America, Great Britain, and Japan)
National Enquirer
People Magazine
Speaking Engagements
Dick Sutphen's Super Seminar - Flagstaff, AZ
National Whole Health Symposium & Expo - Las Vegas, NV
Whole Life Expo [Conscious Life Expo] - Los Angeles, CA
Whole Life Expo [Conscious Life Expo] - San Fransisco, CA
Various metaphysical, self-awareness, and self-improvement centers such as Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim, CA, Bodhi Tree Bookstore in Los Angeles, CA, Universal Mind Science Church in Long Beach, CA and similar in San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and other major cities.
Psychiatrist, Washington, D.C., and pioneer in group therapy
President, American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry
Engineer, scientist
International researcher on life-after-death
President-Emeritus, Texas A&M
Noted military historian and author
Author of The Love Book: Simple Truths
Psychiatrist and pioneer in near-death studies
Author of the groundbreaking book, On Death and Dying
Researcher and Scientist
Registered Engineer, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, CA
Bestselling author of Communion and